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3 Ways to manage your finance during Covid-19 crisis

Updated: May 20, 2021

1. Plan your revenue and expenses for the next 3-6 months :

list down all money in and money out to see if you have enough or not for the next couple of months to control well your spending

2. Reduce your expenses and manage your debts :

Cut all unnecessary expenses (those that you spent because of "want" not "need" such as new shoes, clothes, restaurants etc.). After cutting some expenses already, see if you can still pay all debts at full amount. If not, start preparing documents that show your lower income to discuss with banks, negotiate to 1. reduce interests 2. pay only interests 3. debt moratorium

3. Find more cash in :

this can be any support from the government projects such as social security, unemployment support, etc. Start learning some new skills that can be useful in making more money such as public speaking, cooking, video cutting, video live, etc.

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