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How to deal with your 30-year crisis?

  • See it for what it is. Take a deep breath, step back and see what is going on, what your life is challenging you to do. Try to see it as if you are driving to an intersection where there are different paths to choose, don’t panic, it is only an important transition in the journey of life.

  • Redefine your values and priorities. What is most important for you to focus on now? What is it that you most need right now? At some point, we need to re-evaluate what matters to us the most, rewrite our priority list, based on what we have believed and learnt

  • Explore. You can talk to different people who work in different fields to find out what they like or dislike about their jobs. If you want to go back to school, check out what and where classes are available. Bring out your creativity by learning things that you have interest in and couldn’t have time to do before. You can also talk to your parents to explore their thinking and feeling when they raised you up

  • See life as a discovery, not something you build or a destination. Life is a process of learning and growth. Failing or not achieving anything yet doesn’t mean you are a failure. There are different roads to explore and take to success

  • Talk to a listener/counselor. This is about having a safe place to explore and sort out your thoughts and feelings and problems. A safe space where you could have someone to help challenge your thinking, assumptions and choices

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