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The Answers You’ve Been Looking For

What is active listening ?

Active listening (based on Wikipedia) is “a technique of careful listening and observation of non-verbal cues, with feedback in a form of accurate paraphrasing, that is used in counseling, training, and solving disputes or conflicts.” The listener has to pay full attention to what is said and what is not, understand and remember what is said, respond accurately.

 What is Active Listener ?

Active Listener is the person who uses active listening skills to listen to someone attentively, observe the body language and the words used, give feedback to the speaker, so the speaker can better understand themselves in order to solve their issues. Active listener provides the speaker a safe and nonjudgmental environment to open up. Both active listener and the speaker work together to reach some desired goals of the speaker.

How can you help me with my problems ?

Active listening session can be the first step you take to get emotional support out of your close friends and family circles. Our listener provides you a safe space to talk and release your emotions without being judged. Only having someone to listen to you attentively can help you feel much lighter. Moreover, you can open up about how you think and feel. We work together with you to understand the causes of your suffering, emotions and behaviours. Having an insight to your problems will give you hope as we work together to find the possible ways to reach your desired outcomes.

How much does the session cost? How long does a session last?

Our session costs 750 Thai Baht/ 45 minutes (one session). However, we provide a 30-minute-free trial session for anyone who is interested in trying our listening session for the first time before making a decision.

All fees should be paid at the time the service is rendered. Cash or Transfer are welcome. If it is an online session, the fee must be transferred prior to the session as a reservation guarantee for no show.

How many sessions do I need?

The answer depends on how serious your issues are, how long you have been having the problems, how much are you willing to cooperate during the session, how difficult your desired goals are, how often you can have a session in a week or month.

The session can be stopped when you either no longer have emotional issues that bother you or that you already learn the skills to overcome it by yourself when it comes back.

Will my health insurance cover the session fees?

No. We do not submit claims to any insurance companies. Services offered on this site are not covered by Social Security system nor insurance.

Is everything I say confidential?

Yes, definitely. Confidentiality is our core value. What you say to the listener is known and kept only to the listener and you. You will be given the confidentiality agreement to sign before the session starts. However, during the session the listener may take notes to remember as much detail as possible. This will be used to keep the record of your issues, techniques used, and progress. But only the listener can have access to those records.

Why do I need a listener when I can get advice from friends and family?

Reaching out to a close friend or family is a good thing to do when you need support. But sometimes certain topics make it difficult or even impossible to share with those close to you. Often times, the ones close to you may jump to tell you what you should be doing without you asking for it because they want to solve your problems. Some moments you might be scared of being judged by others if they find out some hidden thoughts or behaviours that you have.

Our listener uses the same listening skills that are widely used among counselors. You can feel safe that you won’t be judged or given advice (even though you might think you need one). Instead, the listener will work with you to clarify what really cause you distress and what outcome that you want and how to get that.

What should I talk about in a listening session ?

You can talk about anything that you feel comfortable enough to share, that has brought you to seek support, things that bother you or cause you distress. In a listening session, you are the expert of your stories, the listener is the expert in supporting you. Listening attentively, rephrasing, asking questions, summarizing what you say can also help you clearly understand your issues.

What is the policy for being late and cancellation ?

If you are late, the session will still be on but your time will be counted from the time that you book the session.

For example, if you book from 11AM to 11:45AM but you come to the session at 11:20AM, then your session time will be from 11:20AM. Until 11:45AM. with no refund or extended time.

Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance to avoid charge. Missed appointments and/or cancellation in less than 24 hours will be charged the regular fee.

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