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Check now : 8 Common symptoms of low self-esteem

1. Self hatred : Sometimes we see things that we don’t like in ourselves, but those who have low self-esteem tend to have anger and frustration for who they are and can’t forgive themselves for small mistakes. They will talk negatively towards themselves all the time (or think negative thoughts about themselves). For example; I’m such a stupid person!

2. Perfectionism : This is a very important destructive symptom for self-esteem because it makes them feel they always live in constant failure. No matter how much they achieve, they don’t feel it is good enough compared to their perfect ideal expectation.

3. Negative body image : This is often linked to low self-esteem. It can affect the way you behave in relationships, how you interact at work or even prevent you from taking good care of yourself because you don’t feel you are worthy of good things/people. For example; when you are in a relationship, you worry that your loved one will cheat on you because you think others are more attractive and better than you. You create an uncomfortable, clingy and untrustworthy relationship that eventually leads to the breakup. Then you blame yourself that you are not good enough, not attractive enough and the loop repeats.

4. Feel unworthy : The root feeling of unworthiness is to feel that you are not as valuable as other people. First you need to understand that your worth is not defined by others, you need to build it yourself. For example; if you want to be richer, you need to gain knowledge of how to earn more, if you want to have a better look, you need to take care of yourself, focus on what you eat and exercise regularly etc.

5. Be oversensitive : Being sensitive is the painful aspect of those who have low self-esteem because you often feel demolished or angry with comments directed at you

6. Fear and feel anxious : Think that you don’t have the ability to change anything in your own world

7. Hold anger and rage : When you don’t think highly of yourself, you tend to believe that your feelings aren’t important to others. Suppress your hurt and anger can lead to an outburst of fury even with small triggers

8. Be people pleaser : You do things to please others in order to feel loved, loved and respected. Sometimes you even cross your boundaries in order to please others and end up feeling you are only being used.

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