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Are you experiencing a 30-year crisis? Check now!

Are you in your 30’s and asking yourself these questions lately? What do I want in life from now on? Do I want to get married and have kids? Do I want to work this job for the next ten years? Should I further my studies? You might be facing the 30-year crisis.

Let’s see what the common challenges are :

  • You are actually settling down. After life was filled with a lot of changes in your 20’s- finishing school, dating lots of people, looking for different jobs, continuing your studies, you’ve graduated schools and worked for quite some time. Some got married and had kids. You are somewhat settled in career or relationship or both, this allows you to actually have time to catch your breath and to look where you are in life right now.

  • Reflecting on your past. This is the time when you may reflect on your childhood and the way your parents raised you up. You are looking at the past through a different lens and perhaps find your parents’ mistakes in the way they brought you up. Some hold this pain against their parents and cut contact with them, while parents feel hurt because they thought that was already the best possible way to raise their kids compared to the way they were treated as a child before.

  • Looking at careers. Your initial or current job seems more and more unsatisfying. You feel you can’t stand working there forever. You lose a sense of purpose or creativity at work. You might want to pursue more in the academic field to try something new.

  • Partner crisis. For those who got married in their 20’s life has settled. Couples start fighting because there is a gap between the life you are living with routines and who you are today. You might be apart into parallel lives or become children-centered. What used to draw your partner to you may seem something annoying or drives you crazy. You want to do more on your own, focus more on who you want to be.

  • Babies. If you are a woman and don't have kids, you might start thinking of closing doors. If you are still single and alone, you might imagine yourself ending up living alone for the rest of your life and feeling overwhelmed.

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