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Try this 5-second-rule to stop procrastination

STOP procrastinating habit today!

Have you lost enough opportunity because of these words? "later" "I'll do it later" "start tomorrow then" "it can wait" ?

The 5-second rule by Mel Robbins will pull you out of your procrastinating world and you can start from your bed!

Simply start counting backward "5..4..3..2..1" whenever you have an idea or a thought of doing something. Once you count to 1, start to do that action.

Tips : when you count 4 3, start walking towards that action. For example, if you have to get up for work but you feel like staying in bed longer, start counting backward and by number 3 start getting up and walking to the bathroom. This works with exercise as well, by number 3, your exercise shoes should be on already.

The reason why you must count backward is that the brain will feel more motivated and excited for the number that is running less. All of us have 4-5 thousand thoughts in a day, most of them become daydreams without action.

What about you, are you pursuing your dream or are you just daydreaming like others?

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