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Avoid depression in elderly

Updated: May 20, 2021

Do you feel life is less meaningful and hopeless after you retire?

Do you feel lonely when being cut from the social life you used to have?

Here are some TIPS to avoid depression in elderly. Age shouldn't stop you from being happy!

TIP # 1️ : Reach out and Stay connected

  1. Get out into the world

  2. Volunteer your time

  3. Join the support group

  4. Take care of a pet

  5. Take a class or join a club

  6. Create opportunity to laugh

TIP # 2 : Find meaning and purpose in life

After you retire, your routine life is changed because you lose things that used to occupy your time such as work. It’s very important to accept that those times have passed and now it’s a new chapter of life. Continue to find some enjoyable activities to occupy your time, stay connected with like-minded people, maintain your good appearance even if you only just take a walk in the park or go to the supermarket. How you feel about yourself is based on how you think about yourself.

  1. Focus on what you can do not what you used to be able to do

  2. Learn a new skill

  3. Get involved in your community

  4. Take care of your appearance

  5. Travel with friends

TIP # 3️ : Adopt healthy habits

When you’re depressed, I know it’s hard to find motivation to do anything. But remember that your healthy habits will have a big impact on your mood and your depression symptoms. So start with something small such as walk out to get some sunlight in your morning or add one healthy meal in a day.

  1. Move your body, take a walk regularly

  2. Eat to support your mood, reduce sugar consumption

  3. Support your quality sleep

  4. Spend time in sunlight

TIP # 4️ : Know when to seek professional help

Depression for older adults can be triggered by the limit of body mobility, loneliness, lack of life purpose etc. So sometimes only medication might not be enough to treat them. It is important to know when to seek support from professionals. You could reach your local listeners, counselors or even join a community support group for retired people.

  1. See a doctor if you have trouble sleeping for a long time

  2. Talk to a counselor or a listener

  3. Join a retired group and connect with people who are going through the same challenges as you

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